Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Nous avons trouvé Daniel...

Evan and I have been "busy" making action plans for what we're going to do if we can't find housing. Actually acting on one, we just walked to the school today to seek out our contact person, Daniel. We found him (and Internet!) and apparently we're going to look at a few apartments in about an hour. On the plus side, the teachers here all seem really nice. It's a small school so it seems as though everyone knows each other, and they were all interested to talk to us and such. We'll see how the apartment hunt goes later today. If we can't find anything here, we're going to try to find something in Caen, a bigger town that's 45 minutes away by train. The commute wouldn't be great, but hey, we need somewhere to live.
Other than the whole housing fiasco, and the fact that our hotel people don't really want us there (they asked us to pay for the nights we've already stayed last night, as though we might run out on the bill) we took a fun little adventure yesterday. We decided that we should get out of here for awhile, and that if this is the only time we have around here, we should see Mt. St. Michel. It's a huge abbey that's built on this big rock island thing out in a bay, and it has the most dramatic tide changes in Europe. I had been there in high school, but didn't remember it terribly well, so I was excited. After a few trains and a bus, we were there.
It was rainy and overcast, and I of course had left my umbrella and my coat with a hood at the hotel, but the abbey was still amazing. If I was an old monk dude, I would love to live there.
It's huge and all stone and the views are amazing, and although monastaries usually kind of freak me out, I feel really at peace at this one. There was this one moment that we were the only ones in this huge room and it was really quiet, and the feeling I got from that was undescribable. Completely alone with your thoughts. And, well, God I suppose. Pretty darn cool.
This is getting long, as usual, so I'm going to stop. Say a prayer, cross your fingers, do whatever for us, we need somewhere to live!