Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that everyone is relaxing and enjoying their day off! I'm at work right now, as they don't have Thanksgiving here. In two of my classes my teacher wanted me to talk about Thanksgiving, and it was much harder than I would have thought. When you grow up celebrating something, you don't really think much about it, except the occasional "I'm thankful for x" or "I'm excited for turkey and stuffing and potatoes and..." and maybe you imagine getting together with family and friends. Well, trying to explain to French students, in English, why we celebrate the harvest and who the Pilgrims were and why we sit around and eat all day...well, basically, it doesn't really make much sense, does it? At least to outsiders. So, needless to say, it was kind of weird for me to take myself out of my American mindset and figure out what this Thanksgiving thing really is. And now that I made that list of food, I've made myself hungry and wishing I was home to eat everything I know will be there today. However, I'm making the best of the situation and heading to Caen tonight to celebrate Thanksgiving with some Americans, Frenchies, and whoever else shows up. I also insisted that I wanted Friday off so I could stay and celebrate the whole weekend. Hey, I might not be in America, but you're not taking America away from me! So two classes stand between me and my dinner, one of which is English Club. There was some confusion about times and stuff at first and since then no one has shown up for the last two meetings, but I mentioned it to some of the older classes and I hope they come because you'd better believe that they're making hand turkeys and playing Thanksgiving Mad Libs!!

So, a very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, and think of me when you're tucking in to some turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy, and especially when you're on your second piece of pumpkin pie, because I'd sure like to be there with you!!


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