Pisa and Firenze
Sorry it's been so long between posts-grades are due and it's been difficult to get a seat at the computers lately.
Let's see-so we had planned on visiting Pisa after Florence, but because of train schedules it made more sense to go on our way from Torino to Florence. The train ride there was probably one of the prettiest we had, through Tuscany most of the way, and we could even see the coast for a good part of it! Palm trees, colorful houses, smooth blue water-I felt like getting off the train and staying for good. After arriving in Pisa and getting our stuff stored away, we headed off in search of the tower, stopping to admire the sights along the way, of course.

Back on the train and on our way to Florence. We arrived at night to some problems at the hostel that eventually got sorted out. After relaxing a bit in our luxurious hostel room, we headed out on a town and had one of the first meals of what was to become a gluttonous eating tour through Italia. It's just so good though, Italian food. Walked around the Duomo in town and headed back for the night, since the next day was to be a fast tour of Florence. We started out early at the Duomo (actually going in this time) and I quite liked it, as cathedrals go. My favorite part was definitely the ceiling of the dome-the painting was gorgeous. From there we tried to go to the Accademia to see David, but the line was far too long so we meandered toward the Ufizzi instead, stopping to see the copy of David along the way. The Ufizzi was pretty cool, but not my favorite art museum (I'm not crazy about Botticelli, shhh). From there we wandered and wandered-Palazzo de something, street of something-I don't have a map right in front of me to know the names, and I'm just lazy. Our last night in Florence was spent eating at a delicious Tuscan restaurant, followed by more gelati (not as good as in Pisa but it was gelati, so I'm not complaining).
Rome is up next, but I have to go sit with some girl while she works on Science Olympiad or some such, so it'll have to wait. I know you're excited! ;)
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