Wednesday, October 12, 2005

the sun will come out, tomorrow

Except here in Normandy, where we see the sun about as often as we get locust storms in Michigan. Still, though, something about a good night’s rest and morning tea makes the day that much easier to get through. Today was much better than yesterday, which may be due in part to the fact that I only had one class today, and they were actually quite good. They didn’t really have a lot of questions to ask me, but I can’t blame them, because I wasn’t really interested in talking about myself either. I have lost my ability to come up with activities on the fly, though, so that needs some work.
Evan, however, did not have a better day. He will be leaving next Thursday. As in, going home to Salt Lake City. The selfish part of me is pretty bummed, but I understand. He really hasn’t been that happy since he’s been here, and other stuff is going on at home that he wants to be there for, and it’s just right for him. Life here is going to be much different without him, but I’ll be okay, and he needs to be happy again. We all have to do what’s right for us, and that just means different things for the two of us.
There might be more to say, but I think I’ll wait till next time. So, say a prayer or two for Evan and I, or just keep your fingers crossed if you’re not into that. I think a little home town love might be just what we need right now. :)


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