Thursday, December 01, 2005

still gobbling

My Thanksgiving weekend in Caen was, in a word, fantastic. I had three dinners that weekend, and I have to say that all of them were pretty darn good. The first wasn't a traditional Thanksgiving dinner (I'm pretty sure that the French don't understand what it's all about...) as they opened with gospel songs and there were Christmas napkins on the tables. Still, the food, though not real Thanksgiving nosh, was still tasty, and the company was great, so I had fun. The next night we had a real Thanksgiving feast at Natalie and Shannon's, complete with two turkeys, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberries, and pumpkin pie. It was amazing, and even the Brits and Frenchies in attendance enjoyed themselves. On Saturday, we had a day of rest, except that Jen and I went to Kristina and Charlie's (see previous post on horseriding) to make pumpkin pie and watch rugby. The next day, Sunday, we had another Thanksgiving feast, this time with chicken, but still extremely delicious. Once again, all the Brits and Frenchies in attendance (more of them, and all different ones, actually) enjoyed themselves. So my Thanksgiving weekend was a definite success, though I have to say I wish I hadn't missed the usual all-out feast at my house, or the leftovers!! No turkey sandwiches for me this year...

I only have one class today, so I'm already done. I have a few errands to do, and I also need to figure out some stuff for Christmas break, since I found out last week that Big Al Speck is coming to visit! Exciting news.

Check out my pictures page soon for Thanksgiving photos!


At 7:19 PM, Blogger MilkJam said...

you stoled my picture! ;) lol just teasing, glad you took it. spread the love.
good to hear you had a good weekend! it was fun to see you! if you want to come back to Caen during the break (before your friend comes) just let me know


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