So here it is another Wednesday and I'm once again in the computer room with Yasmin. It's become something of a ritual since this is the only time during the week that we can be assured of having the computers to ourselves, as there aren't any classes on Wednesday afternoons. It still seems like there's never enough time to do everything I want to do online! Let's see, what else have I been up to...
Last weekend, after a tentative attempt to go to Paris didn't work out, I decided that I still wanted to get out of Normandy. After going back and forth for awhile, I finally decided, at noon on Friday, that I was going to go to Brittany once again. I wanted to go somewhere but didn't want to go through Paris to get there, and since Brittany is about the only place I can go without doing that, that pretty much settled it. By five p.m. that night, I was on the train and headed to St. Brieuc. After looking at other places in Brittany and having problems with lodging, train schedules, and other things, I decided it would be fun to see the Pink Granite Coast, an area in the north of Brittany that is supposed to have a pretty coastline. Initially, I thought I would stay in Lannion, close to the water, but at the last minute decided that St. Brieuc was a better choice because it's a bigger city but still decently close to the coastline. I arrived in St. Brieuc about 9 pm that night, only to find out that there weren't any more buses running to take me to the hostel. I caught a taxi and we started our drive out to the outskirts of St. Brieuc-guess I should have done some more research to know that the hostel was a 40 minute walk out of town in the middle of a park. In any case, got to the hostel, checked into my very clean, very plain room, and crashed for the night.
The next day I was up decently early and, after some difficulty, managed to catch a bus to town. Wandered around and made it to the tourist office to find out about getting to the coast, and started for the train station armed with schedules and maps and the like. By the time my train arrived in Lannion, though, I realized that if I took the last bus to the coast and back I would miss the last train back to St. Brieuc, and since I hadn't listened to a little voice that told me to stay in Lannion the second night, I ended up just staying in Lannion for a few hours. I climbed up some stairs to a church that gave me a nice view over the city, took a nice stroll on a path along the river. I intended to make it to the beach but didn't have quite enough time, but the scenery reminded me of Michigan and I was pretty content nonetheless. When I arrived back in St. Brieuc, I headed back to the hostel early on the last bus of the night, made some phone calls home, and called it a night.
So, all in all, an enjoyable weekend, although it would have been better if I had listened to my first instinct and stayed in Lannion, where I could have easily caught a bus, and where the hostel was right downtown. I was worried about it not having much to do, but really it had more character than St. Brieuc, a town several times its size. I guess, if I didn't know before, my weekend was a reminder to plan instead of trying to wing it!
This weekend I'm headed to Caen to see some friends, and then only one more week until I leave for my Italian/Austrian/Czech Republican adventure!