last (but not least)
My teacher (who I work with all day) forgot to tell me that I have NO classes today, since he's giving the seniors their practice bac (the test Frenchies take to get their high school diploma). I'm definitely not sad about it, but I wouldn't have minded staying in bed a bit longer...
Anyhow, I figured I'd take advantage of all this free time and finally finish my entries on my break that I got back from three weeks ago. Good plan huh? Let's see how much I remember.
All of us were very sad to leave Italy, and even though I was looking forward to Vienna I must say I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I feel kind of bad because it really is a nice city, tons of

Friedensreich Hundertwasser. He's really into environmentalism and philosophy, and I like his art (especially the colors) but he also designs buildings that are straight out of Dr. Suess. We got to see 3 of them in Vienna, and they're so neat. Check him out.

From Vienna we headed to Prague, which I completely fell in love

On a side note, I took my last trip to Caen this weekend. :( Had one last pizza night with girls, finally got to the Caen Memorial (which I liked) and ate my last St. Jean baguette. This weekend I'm off to Bordeaux with my friend Beth, so more on that later!
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