Wednesday, March 29, 2006

last (but not least)

My teacher (who I work with all day) forgot to tell me that I have NO classes today, since he's giving the seniors their practice bac (the test Frenchies take to get their high school diploma). I'm definitely not sad about it, but I wouldn't have minded staying in bed a bit longer...

Anyhow, I figured I'd take advantage of all this free time and finally finish my entries on my break that I got back from three weeks ago. Good plan huh? Let's see how much I remember.

All of us were very sad to leave Italy, and even though I was looking forward to Vienna I must say I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I feel kind of bad because it really is a nice city, tons of pretty buildings and lots of history and culture. I think I was just tired at that point, and it was cold, and I didn't want to look at buildings. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but I'd like to go back someday when it's a big warmer and I can just soak up the atmosphere, you know? We saw some museums and drank some coffee, like you're supposed to do in Vienna, and had the BEST dinner of the trip at this Austrian fare place across the street from our hostel. It was sooo good-I've been craving schnitzel since I came back (does anyone know how to make schnitzel? Can you teach me?) We also visited two places by an artist whose work I find fascinating,
Friedensreich Hundertwasser. He's really into environmentalism and philosophy, and I like his art (especially the colors) but he also designs buildings that are straight out of Dr. Suess. We got to see 3 of them in Vienna, and they're so neat. Check him out.

From Vienna we headed to Prague, which I completely fell in love with. I recommend it to anyone who wants to see Europe from a different angle. Still a classy city, like Paris, but with tons of history like Berlin, and the architecture is cool too. We had a great three days wandering around, learning about Communism, appreciating the exchange rate, adn getting to know Czech food. It's pretty darn good, very hearty and filling. I don't know what else to say except I loved it, so I'll let some pictures speak for me.

On a side note, I took my last trip to Caen this weekend. :( Had one last pizza night with girls, finally got to the Caen Memorial (which I liked) and ate my last St. Jean baguette. This weekend I'm off to Bordeaux with my friend Beth, so more on that later!


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