love from michigan
This morning I was getting ready for school when my doorbell rang. It was about 9 a.m. and I couldn't think of who it could be. I started for the door thinking it might be the other English assistant stopping by on her way to the train station, because that was the only thing I could think of. Then as I was walking down the stairs I heard an engine and realized it must be the mail lady! Yes, my life here is sad enough that I know the sound of the mail lady's truck. So I skipped down the last few steps and, sure enough, there she was with my package from home. Except she caught me by surprise because she said "I have two packages for you" and pulled two big boxes from her truck. I was expecting one, and that had me pretty excited, but two?!? I quickly signed and took them from her, and as I walked back up the steps I followed my usual mail routine. "Who's it from?" is always first-the first one was from, as I expected, my mom, and the other from Miss Daisy Danao herself. How wonderful is she? The name check is always followed by the content check (ok, so I cheat a little, but come on, did you really think that the declaration form was just for the customs people?) Looked like exciting Christmas goodies all around. The final thing is the date check, and both packages made it over in less than 7 business days. Quite impressive-the post must be picking it up for the holidays. They never fail to impress, especially since at least two cards have made it here on U.S. 37cent stamps as opposed to the 80cent ones they're supposed to have. Shoot, Eva's card made it to China with a 37cent stamp 5 years ago, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Anyhow, I had to finish getting ready for school and didn't have time to give both packages the proper mail opening attention, so I decided they'd have to wait. Which makes me remember, what am I doing here? I have two packages waiting for me at home!!
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